Join like-minded people on FIPP programme, who are ready to embrace a new way of thinking

As a course dedicated to senior management with strategic responsibilities, EPIC has already attracted CFOs, COOs, General Managers, Managing Directors, Publishing Directors etc from these companies, who are open-minded and ready to embrace a new way of thinking, learn a new set of strategic tools and hone in and develop their leadership skills to be able to iterate, innovate and transform their businesses.

If you are trying to make changes within your company and need a practical toolkit and modern applicable strategies, which will ensure that your business succeeds, then this is the course that you should be attending in July. Come and join us, register today!

You will come away from the course…

Appreciating how and where modern magazine media publishing plays a vital role to consumers

  • Understanding that innovation is not always those big ideas, but instead that some of the best innovation comes from identifying the problems with the existing product and making small iterations and improvements frequently.
  • Recognising that innovation should be fostered in all corners of the business and that it should not be delegated only to management or a particular team – your people on the ground, behind the scenes, are the ones who can see where improvements can be made – ask for their advice and listen to what they suggest.
  • Realising that successful businesses these days don’t just have one strategy that they work to, many have two. Managing these two strategies in tandem can help transform the results of your business.
  • Appreciating that role of the manager and the role of the leader has two very different skill-sets. Which ones do you need for your role and how can you develop your skills, following the results from the psychometric test that all participants take part in? 

Read more about the course and register at Or if you have any questions contact Christine Huntingford.

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