FIPP events to look forward to the rest of the year

With the announcement of a new CEO, the launch of a series of reports and a hugely successful World Media Congress in Portugal, it’s already been a packed 2024 for FIPP. We’re just getting warmed up, though, with a number of not-to-be-missed FIPP events scheduled for the rest of the year covering a wide range of topics to help publishers negotiate the fast-changing media landscape.

On 19 September, FIPP is joining forces with the Press Database and Licensing Network (PDLN) for a joint webinar looking at the pros and cons of collective licensing for publishers.

“The world of collective licensing, and decisions around how best to approach this in the face of AI platforms can be complicated and confusing for publishers who are more used to focusing on their direct audiences,” explains FIPP CEO Alastair Lewis. 

“At FIPP we want to demystify this, give more clarity as to the options open to publishers and keep our members abreast of the changes in legislation and approach from media monitoring agencies, collective licensing operations and more.  We are delighted to be working alongside PDLN and FIBEP to promote more open dialogue between all parties and protection of our member’s IP and revenues.”

The Inside lane

Having stopped over in countries across the globe, including the US, the Czech Republic and South Africa, FIPP’s Insider series of events is next heading for Finland.

FIPP Insiders are half-day programmes designed to facilitate knowledge sharing and networking opportunities within and between national media markets around the world.

Taking place on 12th September, Insider Helsinki will focus on how media organisations are diversifying their revenue.

That will be followed by a trip to Amsterdam in October for an Insider on audience focus, an Insider in Prague in November on the topic that’s on everyone’s lips – artificial intelligence –, before another Insider New York in December, exploring the importance of understanding the audiences of 2030.

September and November will also see the second and third cohorts of FIPP’s Strategic and Practical Subscriptions Growth Course, delivered by Atlas – a consultancy of practitioners with real-world experience in building profitable digital and print media brands – and supported by the Google News Initiative.

To be the first to know more about these and other future events, subscribe to the (free) FIPP newsletter.


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