Magazine and news platforms amongst the most trusted forms of media
New research from the Magazine Media Association (MMA) and NDP Nieuwsmedia shows that magazine and news platforms are amongst the most trusted forms of media. The curated research, which brings together 25 independent studies from within the Netherlands as well as other markets around the world, took into consideration both print and digital incarnations of media brands.
Attracting attention

Magazines were found to be the highest scoring medium in terms of generating audience attention, and also ranked highly in terms of relevance and trust, alongside newspapers.
The high levels of trust generated by such premium content environments were also shown to have significant knock-on effects for advertising messaging, creating an upturn in brand recall, advertising recall, and message transfer.
Consumer cycle

The research also looked at the consumer purchase cycle across preference, attention, and engagement. Campaigns in magazine and news media were found to have demonstrable added value for branding campaigns. Additionally, advertising in magazine and news media has a positive influence on likeability and price perception, the study said.
You can view the full findings here.