New Media Writing Prize 2021 now open for entries
The twelfth annual New Media Writing Prize (NMWP), awarded by Bournemouth University, is now open for entries. This year, FIPP is supporting the programme as sponsor of the Digital Journalism Award, with FIPP Editor Sylkia Cartagena included on the judging panel.
Originally founded in 2010, the NMWP celebrates both fiction and non-fiction storytelling online. It’s an international award, that anyone can enter, and submissions are invited to be as multimedia-driven as possible, combining elements of writing, film, animation, social media, etc. Even augmented reality plays, and gaming elements, are encouraged!
Speaking about the prize, FIPP Editor and NMWP Judge Sylkia Cartagena said: “The New Media Writing Prize is a particularly exciting programme to be supporting. Firstly, it’s open to all, meaning that participants do not need to have existing skills or qualifications in the sector. It’s always pleasing to see the industry open up in this way and remove the barriers to entry. Great writing can come from all different backgrounds and it will make the entries even more interesting.”
“Secondly, what I really like about the criteria is that it places such a high emphasis on multimedia storytelling – encouraging journalists and writers to provide their audiences with as many different ways to engage with their content as possible. That is also a hugely important thing in the industry today, and an essential consideration for all aspiring writers/journalists. It’s an honour to be involved in the judging and I wish all participants he very best of luck!”
The Prizes include:
- The if:book New Media Writing Prize: £1000 donated by if:book UK.
- The Writing Magazine Student Prize: a year’s subscription to Writing Magazine; or a free writing course, tailored to the winner’s needs.
- The FIPP Digital Journalism Award: £500 for the winner, plus a year’s membership.
- The Opening Up Award: £500 donated by Wonderbox Digital, to the piece voted as best by the public
Entries will be open until Friday 26th November, with the Writing Magazine Student Award entries taking the slightly later deadline of Friday 17th December. The event organisers hope to stage a physical awards event for all shortlisted participants in January 2022, or if Covid dictates, an event streamed online. You can find out further details, including how to enter, here.