Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg thinks telepathy tech is on its way
“One day, I believe we’ll be able to send full rich thoughts to each other directly using technology. You’ll just be able to think of something and your friends will immediately be able to experience it too if you’d like,” wrote Zuckerberg during his latest online “townhall Q&A”.
For some people, Facebook’s interest in telepathy will be part of a bold new world for digital communications.
For others, it’ll be the latest spur to build an ark and fill it with tin-foil hats ready for the endtimes: if the social network ever does work on this technology, it will face important questions about how it handles the resulting data, from protecting it from surveillance agencies to ring-fencing it from advertisers.
Zuckerberg proved unafraid to tackle questions about Facebook’s long-term ambitions during the Q&A, including the company’s interest in artificial intelligence.
“Most of our AI research is focused on understanding the meaning of what people share,” wrote Zuckerberg, citing examples including detecting when a photo has a certain friend in it and making sure they see it, or using people’s photos and posts to connect them with likeminded Facebook users.
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