FIPP members given complimentary access to PressReader newsstand
PressReader is now available as a complimentary FIPP membership benefit to all member company employees*.
As part of your bouquet of FIPP membership benefits, you can now discover and experience PressReader’s all-you-can-read service, which connects local, national and international publishers with millions of readers around the globe. The service is complimentary to all FIPP members.
With the same FIPP login to access our digital publications (FIPP Insight), you can read a selection of magazines and newspapers at or by downloading the PressReader app on the device of your choice.
It’s simple
Either visit or download the PressReader app on the device of your choice (iOS, Android, Android for Amazon, Windows 8 and BlackBerry 10)
Enter your FIPP digital edition user name and password
And that’s all!
Select and access enhanced digital editions of publications on the PressReader content network and enjoy to your heart’s content!
Further tips
For more help on how to access this great member benefit, visit and download the ‘how to’ file. To get the best reading experience, watch the simple ‘how to’ videos on
* A FIPP member but no login?
This complimentary service is available to all FIPP member company employees.
If you have lost your FIPP digital edition login, or need a new login, contact Sylkia Cartagena.
Unsure whether you are a FIPP member, or want to know more?
If you are unsure whether your company is a FIPP member, visit the member directory and supplier directory to see if your company is listed.
If your company is listed, but you do not yet have a FIPP member login (or you have colleagues who should be listed), contact Janet Osorio.
If your company is not listed, and you are interested in FIPP membership, contact Cobus Heyl.
About PressReader
This complimentary digital access to FIPP members is brought to you by PressReader, a valuable member of FIPP dedicated to support you in the growth of your business and the development of multi-platform product strategies. Interested in learning more about PressReader? Contact PressReader directly at