@FIPPWorld round up of interesting stories from the past week
On the advertising side, predictably, there were plenty of stories about native advertising, from one asking us to “kill the term native advertising” to news about the New York Times’ plans to get aspiring filmmakers to create native ads.
There was news of Time Inc. UK shaking up its ad operations (with data at the heart), and a the story about People magazine and Victoria Secret striking an advertising deal within People’s Snapchat Discover offering. (See more magazine media news in FIPP’s industry news section).
Ad viewability is an increasingly hot topic, and there is a story about it here.
Lines between publishers, brands and agencies are blurring fast. There is a good read on HuffPo about it here (the piece was originally posted on the {grow} blog if you want to check it out).
From a brand perspective, the most shared brand video of the past week, according to Unruly, was Adidas’ Take It ad with almost 100,000 shares in the past seven days (as on early-ish morning 6 March). Since it’s launch it has raked up more than 30 million views. See it here (via Unruly).
On the platform side, there was this story about Instagram “now letting brands’ tell advertising stories”. It gives brands the ability to create carousel ads with images and link to a site of the brand’s choice. Here’s Instagram, announcing the news.
This story has more about Snapchat’s plans “to become more powerful than TV”, while this story has more on the popular Japanese app Line.
In the week, a new live-streaming app called Meerkat, launched only a little more than a week ago, started trending on Twitter. There is a story about it here.
With email marketing back in serious vogue, there was a story explaining why it is “still in style – and thriving.”
As ‘always’, Facebook stories made the rounds too, among them stories one plans to change how it will count likes (basically discounting inactive accounts). Then there is this story about how Facebook is helping Fox Sports monetise video.
At last year’s FIPP Innovation Forum in London (this year’s forum will be held as part of the FIPP World Congress), Google’s Luca Forlin spoke about how phablets will impact tablets. Well, this week BI had this story about the iPhone 6 Plus killing tablet sales. Speaking of mobile, Wired relaunched its website this week with a more mobile-friendly design.
My colleague Amy Duffin wrote about Rodale’s move into online learning, and in case you thought independent entrepreneurial activities in “magazines are dead“, we have this two-part story about how some entrepreneurs are using the crowd-funding platform Kickstarter to bring dreams to reality. We also did a Q&A with Bauer Digital Media managing director Sam Jones about the repositioning of their digital businesses.
Amy also spoke to Condé Nast’s head of digital in the UK about video, social media and more this week. Read it here. With help from comScore Jamie Gavin looked at European media properties’ performance in the online landscape, here. Cobus Heyl took the hub-spoke paradigm and applied it to magazine media models to see if it can help publishers to map out their multi-platform strategies.
Last but not least, showing again that innovation doesn’t always have to be about something completely new, there is this story about innovation in seating, from “church pews to planes”.
It also “turns” out treadmill desks are not necessarily the answer to a better life, free from too much sitting.
Which makes ongoing innovation in seating, and in general, a good thing, right?
This week’s @FIPPWorld round up was compiled by Cobus Heyl.