Follow us to join the conversation at the FIPP Congress

The FIPP World Congress in Rome is imminent, so don’t miss out on the conversations which are and will be taking place about the event on our social media channels: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

During the FIPP World Congress on 24-25 September, you can follow us on Twitter (#FIPPCongress), LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram, and be kept up–to-date with the latest information and engage with speakers and attendees.

If you’ve already registered to attend the FIPP World Congress, we look forward to seeing you very soon. If not, there is still plenty of time to secure your place:

If you’re not already following our activity on social media, it’s very easy to do so:

In addition, why not submit a question to one of our expert FIPP World Congress speakers in advance of the event? Just use #askFIPP on Twitter, and we’ll make sure it gets there.

For more information about FIPP’s social media activity, contact Amy Duffin.

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