Innovations video interview previews free webinar
John Wilpers, editor of the Innovations in Magazine Media 2013 World Report presents the report in a snapshot, in a video interview, warming up for the upcoming Innovations webinar. Wilpers will be joined by co-editor Juan Senor, also from Innovation International Media Consulting Group to present the webinar taking place 3pm (BST/London time) on Monday 13 May 2013.
Click here to see the Innovations in Magazine Media interview.
Click here to register for the Innovations in Magazine Media 2013 free webinar.
Click here to order your copy of Innovations in Magazine Media 2013 World report.
Innovations in Magazine Media World Report brings together the most creative, successful – and profitable – ideas being undertaken today by magazine media publishers from all over the world. Innovations case studies cover:
- Advertising innovations: Coca-Cola.FM hand in hand with JWT and Capricho magazine, Nexus, Time Dog, Bradesco Car Insurance, Volkswagen, CW Network and Entertainment Weekly, Dolce & Gabbana and Marie Claire
- The magazine as retailer: Net-a-Porter
- Making your app appetising: Glamour Personal Shopper, National Geographic, The Atavist, Popular Science, British Journal of Photography
- Personalisation: Harper’s Bazaar, Action Commerciale, Drawbridge
- E-singles: Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic
- Magazines making a buzz: the UK’s Covered, Brazil’s Mundo Estranho, Germany’s YPS, Southern African Tourism Update, Wired in the UK and Marie Claire in the US
- Person of the year: Roberto Civita, Abril Group
- Video delivers: Esquire
- The future of magazines: visions from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm
- The future of paper: Paper Four, graphene, Interactive Newsprint
- Lead generation: Zinio, iba, Next Issue Media,
- Campaign journalism: Planeta Sustentável
- HTML5 makes an impact:, ESPN Magazine, The Economist’s Electionism
- Making social media work for you: commerce, tips and tricks, best use of social media by magazines
Innovations is available in print (enhanced by AR from Layar), in digital edition and app formats. The digital edition and app are powered by YUDU.
Register here now for the free FIPP Innovations webinar.
3pm BST/London Monday 13 May
Or copy and paste this link into your browser:
To order your copy of Innovations 2013 go to:
For more information visit the Innovations toolkit.
For bulk prices for print editions contact Helen Bland.
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