Men’s Fitness SA, Maxim Nigeria and Maxim Middle East added to Magzter
“Magzter has been an exceptional partner for us, we’ve managed to reach regions electronically which logistically wouldn’t have been possible, especially in parts of Africa and not to mention the rest of the world. Men’s Fitness South Africa, Maxim Nigeria and Maxim Middle East are the latest offerings from our stable and I am sure we will see the same growth in all territories with Magzter’s backing,” said Dirk Steenekamp, managing director, Untapped World Publishing.
“Firstly, I’d like to congratulate Untapped World Publishing for their roaring success on Magzter in the past three years. With the arrival of three more world-renowned titles, Untapped World Publishing’s catalogue is now even more noteworthy. Here’s wishing them continued success on our platform and we will do all that we can to accelerate their growth,” said Girish Ramdas, CEO, Magzter.
“Maxim has been one of the most read men’s interest magazine brands around the world and we’re excited to add two more editions, Maxim Nigeria and Maxim Middle East, to Magzter. I’m quite confident that these magazines, along with Men’s Fitness South Africa, will become best-sellers right away, thanks to authoritative reporting by Untapped World Publishing,” added Vijay Radhakrishnan, president, Magzter.
Magzter is a member of FIPP.
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