SHAPE Philippines and Muscle & Fitness Philippines added to Magzter
“We are very much pleased to partner our magazines, SHAPE Philippines and Muscle & Fitness Philippines with Magzter! With their millions of subscribers, we will surely have a growth in audience and engagement among our readers. We are still in search of ways on how we could expand our magazines in a bigger scale and we believe that Magzter has all the tools to help us with that,” said Raeven Roxas, brand manager, International Ventures For Media & Distribution, Philippines.
“With fitness being a top priority for men and women in today’s fast-paced world, we keep getting a lot of requests to add more authoritative fitness magazines to our catalogue. In this direction, we are delighted to welcome SHAPE Philippines and Muscle & Fitness Philippines to Magzter and we’re quite confident that these magazines will be useful to fitness enthusiasts all over the world,” added Girish Ramdas, CEO, Magzter Inc.
“Shape and Muscle & Fitness are two of the most respected fitness magazine brands in the world, which come up with effective workout techniques and nutrition advices in every issue. By partnering with Magzter, these magazines from Philippines will now spread their wings globally and inspire more people to stay fit and healthy,” said Vijay Radhakrishnan, president, Magzter Inc.
Magzter is a member of FIPP.
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