Shining a light on the ageless power of data
The focus has shifted to the advertiser’s ability in using technology and data to inform and predict what else can make a significant difference to their advertising and business growth.
What one constant from the past 30 years would you like to see change?
On the whole, the industry’s ability to understand and connect the true potential of data needs to improve across the board; from publishers right through to advertisers themselves.
The industry has made incredible steps from what was a relatively basic, assumptive-led approach to advertising a generation or so ago.
However, truly understanding how technology and data can transform businesses is a challenge the market in general needs to step up to and embrace. Everyone is talking a good game; few are actually delivering.
What has defined the past 30 years? Or what will define the next 30?
Honestly, I don’t think there has ever been a more exciting time to be involved in the advertising and marketing industry than right now.
Advancements in technology now mean that advertisers can engage with potential customers on a multitude of different types of media simultaneously, using unified marketing insights to genuinely drive strategy.
Players that can help facilitate this continued growth and innovation will remain relevant. Those that cannot will fall by the wayside.
The potential to apply cross-device targeting will hopefully provide the catalyst for a true data-led marketing explosion within the industry in the near future.
The notion of users being defined and valued by their digital profile – comprised of where they shop, what programmes they consume, where they live, what brand of wine they like – is now one step away from being a reality.
Anyone or any business in a position to understand and help activate this data-driven approach to marketing is in a position of power for the foreseeable future.
What one lesson can you take away from the past 30 years?
Failure to innovate and adapt in this ever-changing ecosystem will be the downfall of countless good, solid businesses. What worked yesterday may still be relevant today; however, tomorrow, your approach could be old news when it comes to adopting technology and data as the key drivers of your business.
Source: Media news & media jobs
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