To compete with Facebook and Google, publishers step up their ad-targeting game
The competitive pressure from Facebook and Google is forcing publishers to get more personal with their advertising. Many are embracing the people-based marketing mantras of those Internet giants, trying to prove that they have the same ability to know their audiences and deliver targeted ads.
Tired of losing out to Internet rivals that assume a greater portion of ad dollars every year, top digital media properties like News Corp and Condé Nast are getting into this ad tech game, too, making their subscriber bases available to brands with better targeting.
It was a prominent topic of discussion at Advertising Week, where publishers shared ways they’re tapping into their subscriber data for advertisers.
“There are certain advantages that legacy media companies have especially because of our subscriber files, tens and tens of millions of them,” said Edward Menicheschi, CMO and president at Condé Nast. “We’re in their homes; we know them.”
Read the full article here
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