[Webinar video] How to communicate virtually, brilliantly, with Andy Bounds
Communication is always essential, but it is more important – and much harder – now than ever before. Face-to-face simply isn’t an option for many of us at present, and Zoom presentations and meetings are here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future. Impressing and influencing audiences has become more difficult – it’s harder to reach the people we want to speak to, and they have numerous priorities needing their attention.
In step communications expert Andy Bounds. Previously awarded the title of Britain’s Sales Trainer of the Year, and described by AstraZeneca’s Global Communication Director as “a genius, whose advice can’t be ignored”, Andy has a wealth of experience in the field. His three books, ‘Top Dog: Impress and influence everyone you meet’, ‘The Snowball Effect: Communication techniques to make you unstoppable’, and ‘The Jelly Effect: How to make your communication stick’ are all international best sellers.
In this exclusive webinar for FIPP, Bounds talks us through what the world’s best communicators do, and how we can master the four elements of the perfect virtual communication:
– The right mindset: what to focus all of our attention on, to ensure we are successful
– Compelling content: how to impress, inspire and influence our audiences
– Impressive visuals: how to create visuals that enhance our message, not dilute/contradict it
– Delivery skills: how to be interesting, charismatic and relevant
“When I talk about mindset, what exactly do I mean?” asks Andy in opening the webinar. “Well it’s simply this: I want you to remember at all times with communication the golden rule. That communication of any type is only effective if it achieves the ‘Do’. In other words if people do something as a result. So if I do this webinar with you, how do we know if it is a good or a bad webinar? If you enjoy it? If I make you laugh a couple of times? If you learn some interesting things? OR if the very next virtual communication you do, is better? Surely that’s the only way to judge if a webinar is good or not, by what you do after it?”
The webinar also looks at practical ways to implement effective presentations, beginning with the objective of maximum engagement with your audience, preparing content, and ultimately creating something that causes people to take action as well as simply think about what you have said. Interesting titles, minimum wordage, and appealing SmartArt are also examined as strong ways to build rapport with listeners.
You can watch the webinar in full above and for the full catalogue of FIPP Insider webinars click here.
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