World Magazine Trends open Excel data files available to purchase now
The fully accessible Excel spreadsheets allow complete access to all the data from the annual World Magazine Trends.
Trends provides reports on 54 countries. It outlines the consumer and B2B magazine markets in each country including: number of titles; number of publishers; total copies sold or distributed; revenue sources; sales distribution breakdown; top publishing companies; average cover price and average issue readership. Digital data includes internet penetration and mobile penetration, plus ereader and magazine website listings.
Share of adspend and ad expenditure forecasts are provided by ZenithOptimedia. Global and regional B2B and consumer magazine circulation revenues are provided by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Other data is supplied by national associations, regional experts, publishers and consultants.
The Excel edition of FIPP World Magazine Trends 2014/15 includes: full access spreadsheets of all numeric data PLUS digital edition of the full book (powered by PressReader). The Excel + digital edition costs £299 for members, £390 for non-members.
Order your copy of FIPP World Magazine Trends today.
For further information contact Helen Bland or Sylkia J. Cartagena at FIPP.
Members can login free to the digital edition, powered by PressReader. If you don’t have passwords, please contact Sylkia Cartagena.
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Download the executive summary: FIPP World Magazine Trends 2014-15
Download the ZenithOptimedia executive summary: FIPP World Magazine Trends 2014-15