Download FIPP Insight Special Report: Big Data
“Big Data” is a buzz phrase at the height of its popularity. Industries across the spectrum are exploring how they can leverage Big Data to create more and better business opportunities.
No matter the industry, the catchphrase “Big Data” has encompassed three key elements in the past. They are: Volume, Velocity and Variety. That is, volume, or large amounts of data; velocity, or the need to be analysed quickly; and variety, or different types of unstructured and structured data.
As Big Data becomes more utilised, a fourth, and perhaps most important, “V” is being added. That “V” stands for value. Without value as part of the end game for Big Data, the first three “Vs” are worthless. Audience insights and revenue are the most sought-after values from Big Data circa 2015.
The World Media Trends Big Data Special Report is the fourth in a series of in-depth special reports from FIPP Insight and World Newsmedia Network. Each report is packed with data charts, commentary on trends and practical, usable case studies.
Through 2015, FIPP Insight and WNMN are releasing seven special spotlights (alongside other FIPP Insight reports), all of them free to users.
Topics for the year are:
1. Video (published April 2015)
2. Social media (published May 2015)
3. Mobile (published June 2015)
4. Big data (published June 2015)
5. Revenue (to be published July 2015)
6. Magazine media (i.e. multi-platform brands) (September 2015)
7. Content (October 2015)
To compile the reports, WNMN sources evidence-based data from sources around the world, analyses the data and provides commentary on top trends identified, trends you should be considering in your business today.
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Download the FIPP Insight Special Report on Big Data now
Contact André Glazier for commercial opportunities with our FIPP Insight Special Reports.
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