FIPP launches new member exclusive report looking at the future of print
Whether its declining sales or rising paper prices, print publications have encountered severe headwinds over the last few years. A new report by FIPP looks at why, despite all the obstacles, print will remain an important revenue stream for many media companies. The report is exclusive to FIPP members.
The future of print – defining the role of magazines in today’s media mix, sponsored by UPM Communication Papers, explores how print publications have gone from ‘hub to spoke’, morphing from the core content delivery platform into being one channel among many to the end user.
“Where print was once the centralised hub for all media spokes – be that digital, social, events or whatever else you could slap your brand on to turn a profit – that has changed, FIPP President and CEO James Hewes points out in the report.
“While it’s unlikely that print will ever fully ‘retire’ – especially as we learn increasingly of the sustainability values that renewable materials can bring – it is now just one of many spokes in that brand wheel.”
The study reveals how print’s share of the revenue of the major ‘published media’ sectors is currently much higher than many actually assume.
“Print’s share is reducing, but not as fast as many believe,” author Jim Bilton of Wessenden Marketing says. “This is happening as the growth in digital revenues is slowing down. All this highlights the need to refocus on extending the life of print.”
The study also comprehensively maps the world of print; offers consumer and publisher perspectives; looks at the power of print with children; and tackles big issues like sustainability.
Not a FIPP member yet? You can sign up in the report page.