Iconic designer Jony Ive takes over FT How To Spend It as guest editor for 7 May issue
Iconic designer Jony Ive will be the guest editor of the FT’s How To Spend It magazine this weekend, 7 May. Taking the act of ‘making and creating’ as his central theme, Ive brings on board a host of contributors whose work is all about using their hands, whether it’s making things that are, as Ive puts it, ‘tangible and somewhat permanent’, like buildings or products or paintings, or exquisitely temporal, such as flower arrangements or food or music.
Contributors include the world-famous cellist Yo-Yo Ma on how he sees via his sense of touch, singer-songwriter Lily Allen on how her nails reflect her mood and Trombone Shorty, the award-winning trombonist and trumpeter, who finds that his fingers have a will of their own.
A special feature sees Jony Ive and Marc Newson, longtime collaborators and founders of the design collective LoveFrom, talk craftsmanship and friendship at Newson’s workshop in the Cotswolds. The cover, shot by David Sims, finds Ive and his father Michael connected through a handhold.
Jony Ive said: “Long an obsession of mine, it has always struck me that the process of creating and making finds expression in so many different forms. This is a rather personal issue of How To Spend It, and I have gathered together many of the people, objects and places that I love.”
HTSI editor Jo Ellison said: “There are few people who have not been touched by Jony Ive’s designs. This second guest edit issue of HTSI looks at makers and creators. A rare opportunity to share Jony’s passions, interests and the personalities he finds inspiring, the magazine’s focus is on the craft of the hand.”
How To Spend It (HTSI) is the multi award-winning luxury magazine from FT Weekend, which covers fashion, interiors, art, design, travel and lifestyle and is renowned for its compelling visual aesthetic.