L’Officiel, World of Watches and L’Optimum from Thailand added to Magzter
L’Officiel Thailand features fashion, jewellery, beauty and lifestyle. L’Officiel magazine from India, Singapore, Turkey, Russia, Malaysia, Spain, Vietnam, Philippines and Mexico are also available on Magzter.
World of Watches Thailand, a bilingual magazine in Thai and English, features in-depth looks at the world’s most detailed complications and layered reviews of current timepieces. World of Watches magazine from Indonesia is also available on Magzter.
Aimed at witty, intelligent, and semi-rebellious pleasure seekers, L’Optimum features both strong design and discerning content to create a dynamic publication.
“Magzter has been wonderful to work with. Moving in a fast economy, we as publishers sometime find ourselves stuck between getting magazines out on time and keeping the longevity of our print mediums. Magzter facilitates that gap with little hassle, promptly filling our needs. We are certainly looking forward to a continued partnership,” said Pam Thien, chief digital officer, Mass Connect Thailand.
“We’re quite pleased to welcome Mass Connect to the Magzter family. They customise and publish some of the most popular magazine brands like L’Officiel and World of Watches in Thai language, thereby helping millions of Thai people enjoy reading world-class content in their mother tongue. With Magzter, the reach of these magazines are all set to exponentially increase,” added Girish Ramdas, CEO, Magzter.
“We’ve been adding a lot of prestigious Thai-language magazines on Magzter, and the titles from Mass Connect Ltd. have further strengthened our catalogue. We’re thrilled to provide digital wings to a like-minded publisher, who is as excited as Magzter to break the geographical barriers and reach millions of new readers across the globe,” said Vijay Radhakrishnan, president, Magzter.
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