Magzter sponsors MPAS Awards
This partnership signals a growing importance of digital platforms as a means for media publishers to increase their reach and target a global audience.
Said Vijay Radhakrishnan co-founder and president of Magzter: “The MPAS Awards event gives us access to a wide range of different genres of media publishers in Singapore. As the country is South East Asia’s hub for English language magazines, this gives us a good platform to consolidate our position amongst publishers in the region and at the same time introduce our Magzter Gold product, a subscription which gives readers unlimited access of up to 75,000 issues of more than 2,500 best selling magazines.”
Added James Chen, executive director of MPAS: “The increasing prevailence of digital media is something that media publishers cannot afford to ignore any longer. Instead they should adopt a multi-plaform online media approach and see what gives them the best circulation medium-target audience fit. Readers are now expecting to consume quality mobile content on demand. Print magazines will always have their own select audience, but do look out for the rise of digital magazine newsstands like Magzter, as magazine content starts to integrate more audio visual elements.”
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