Marina Ovsyannikova becomes correspondent for WELT
Marina Ovsyannikova – the journalist who staged an anti-war protest on pro-government Russian television – has been signed by Axel Springer to work on the publisher’s media brand WELT. The freelance correspondent will report on both Ukraine and Russia, writing for the newspaper as well as making regular contributions to WELT News TV.
In March, during a live broadcast on Russia’s state-run Channel One, Ovsyannikova held up a poster denouncing the war and the Russian propaganda that surrounds it.
Courage, ethics, freedom
Following the appointment by Axel Springer, Ulf Poschardt, Editor-in-Chief of WELT Group and spokesperson for WeltN24GmbH management, said: “At a crucial moment, Marina Ovsyannikova had the courage to confront Russian viewers with an unembellished view of reality. In doing so, she defended the most important journalistic ethics – despite the threat of state repression. I am excited to be working with her.”
“WELT stands for what is being so vehemently defended by the courageous people of Ukraine on the ground right now: freedom,” said Ovsyannikova. “I see it as my duty as a journalist to defend that freedom. And I am delighted to be able to do this now for WELT.”
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[In the picture: WELT Talk, March 29th with (from left to right): Writer Vladimir Kaminer, CDU politician Jana Schimke, Journalist Marina Owsjannikowa, Editor-in-Chief of WELT news channel Jan Philipp Burgard and SPD-party Chair Lars Klingbeil.]