Rolf Heinz’s 2017 media predictions
What are your media predictions for 2017?
In 2017 people will search for truth, transparency and trust in journalism.Personalisation with AI, sharing and engaging communities, multi-format extending to VR, integration of services and contextual commerce, mobility will continue to evolve. In parallel, distinctive magazine print media, meeting complementary readers’ needs, are reviving. Digital video viewing will still grow, monetisation will be professionalised through brand safety, viewability and completion rate endeavours.
Are there new ways of storytelling you are exploring for 2017?
Old, great ways of storytelling using new formats, technology and data journalism.
Will new platforms be the way to go? And, are any on the way out?
Use all relevant platforms to enhance audience and distribution.
Is this the year digital revenue catches up?
At Prisma Media, we went from a one per cent share in 2009 to a 30 per cent share today, half of this growth being organic, half through acquisitions.
Will Facebook and Google continue to dominate? Are there any solutions to that, that you see?
Yes in the short and mid term, no in the longer term. New life cycles will appear and make their way.
Do you have a forecast for 2017 you’d like to share? Get in touch with Jessica.
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