Special launch offer: Massive discount for early sign-ups to DIS2018

FIPP and VDZ’s Digital Innovators’ Summit (DIS) in Berlin is the annual event in Europe for media companies to attend. A premium event, DIS is the essential platform for quality media to share insights and innovation. In 2018, DIS takes place from 18-20 March, with the main speaker programme on 19 and 20 March.
DIS 2018 launch offer:
- FIPP and VDZ members: €1,190, saving you €800 on the final rate of €1,990
- Non-members: €1,690, saving you €800 on the final rate of €2,490
Sign up today to save
Knowledge, networking and experiences

In July, the FIPP and VDZ teams met outside Berlin to consider feedback from previous delegates (we do take it to heart!) to develop our thinking for DIS2018 and to make sure we bring you a Summit showcasing cutting-edge thinking, providing experiential opportunities and offering a platform for in-depth networking and social activity.
Calling potential speakers

We are particularly interested in proposals from publishers, legacy and new, highlighting extraordinary digital innovation case studies, from monetisation and creating efficiencies through to audience engagement and the application of data. From novel approaches to content through to the experimentation and use of emerging technologies. Put forward proposals to Cobus Heyl at Cobus@fipp.com, with the following included:
- Proposed topic
- Short description of topic
- Proposed speaker
- Short biography of speaker
- If available, links to previous presentations, slides and other supporting materials
We will review all proposals in early September, after which we will start with formally inviting speakers.
Sponsorship and exhibition solutions
To find out more about various sponsorship and related opportunities available, contact John Schlaefli at John@fipp.com or Birgit Altstoetter at Altstoetter@z-a-t.com.
Not familiar with the DIS?
Simply visit the DIS website at innovators-summit.com to see videos, photos and more, including the agenda, speakers and sponsors from previous summits. Visit vdz.de for more on VDZ and subscribe to the (free) FIPP World newsletter for more.
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