Bonnier 2015: Profitability on track while transforming
Adjusted for C More’s performance, which halved losses compared to the previous year, Bonnier AB’s EBITA for 2015 was more than SEK 100 million better than for 2014.*
Said Bonnier’s CEO Tomas Franzén: “I’m very pleased that during 2015 we achieved operating profits that were in line with what we had planned, while at the same time we made significant investments in all our business areas. Behind the stable profits lies intensive work in developing services and products, so that we can meet our strategy goal of 50 percent of our revenues coming from new sources, primarily digital, by the year 2020.
During 2015-2018, we will save SEK 2bn. In part, through cost-savings in our traditional businesses, in part by efficiency measures and lowered purchasing costs. The SEK 2bn will be directly reinvested in services and products that increase our digital revenues, primarily from the end customer.
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