Chat apps are eating the world and video on mobile is the future, says Mobile Marketing Association MD
Speaking today at FIPP Asia in Singapore, Dadwal said that understanding the consumer before tacking the device is key to progression, because companies must understand where they are before any development takes place.
The not-for-profit Mobile Marketing Association has 800 members in 50 countries, which consist mostly of tech companies. They’re perfectly placed to give insight on the development of this rapidly changing area, because according to Dadwal, mobile is “critical to the success of every organisation today”.

Stop looking, start learning
In a change to the usual mantras chanted at conferences, Dadwal urged attendees to stop looking at what other companies are doing, and start to understand the unique needs of your business. “Don’t learn from what others are doing, create your own path for your business and your consumers. No-one can help you do that but yourself. The change is constant, continuous. You need to start now.”
Mobile usage patterns have changed
Although obvious to most, but not always executed as such, Dadwal explained that mobile use has increased in frequency dramatically. Where once content was designed for distribution on this platform during certain points of the day, this is no longer the case. These usage patters mean content must be constantly ready for consumers, whenever they want it.
Dadwal said that publishers should be led by the consumer, because they are the ones with needs and will decide what they want, when they want it, and how. “They will decide the future of your organisation, not you,” he said.

Publisher challenges
Dadwal listed the many challenges publishers face when it comes to mobile, including better monetisation, better performance, traffic, issues with out-dated technology, legacy systems. “All of these need to be addressed,” said Dadwal. “Make sure you are working with partners to achieve change. It’s expensive, but necessary.”

Mobile opportunities
Asian emerging markets are an opportunity, said Dadwal, but publishers should be cautious because one size does not fit all. “The 4G speed in Singapore and Japan is very different to the speed in India and China,” said Dadwal. “You must understand that before you build.”
“Chat on mobile is eating 85 per cent of the world,” said Dadwal. “Instant messaging has been around for years but it’s exploded now.” It was unsurprising but relevant to discover that 85 per cent of APAC mobile users watch video, as this gives a huge hint as to what they want. “Consumers want to be uber satisfied,” said Dadwal. “They want instant gratification.”
Dadwal said that data collection is another huge community for mobile, but that it will cost you. “You need to provide value for them. You should optimise how you do this and be clear about what they get out of it,” he said.
Mobile lessons
- Ensure advertising is part of your platform. There is no media industry that has been built without advertising. The only purely subscription-based models that have worked so far are the likes of Spotify and Netflix.
- Take your own path – there are no gospel learnings from others. You’re different. You have your own skill-sets and opportunities, so maximise what you have.
Other mobile tips
- Video is king, sound, motion, emotions
- Programmatic is an opportunity, not a threat
- Mobile is not a concern, consumer patterns are
- Local vs National – simplicity Vs customisation
- Ad blocking – it’s a concern, but not a big one. Give them valuable content and they won’t block.
- Attribution – cross channel identification
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