Dennis Publishing’s Cyclist wins International Consumer Media Brand of the Year at UK awards

The awards, organised by PPA, celebrate the UK’s professional publishing community.

Dennis won the following awards:

Consumer Media Brand of the Year

Auto Express 

Specialist Consumer Magazine of the Year


International Consumer Media Brand of the Year


Consumer Magazine of the Year – Highly Commended

The Week 

Team Leader of the Year – Highly Commended

Dharmesh Mistry 

Ian Bedwell, international licensing director for Dennis Publishing said: “We are delighted to have won the International Consumer Media Brand of the Year award. Since its launch in 2012 Cyclist has inspired markets across the world and now boasts licenses in five markets and 29 territories. To win this award emphasises how the premium brand resonates with road cycling publishers and enthusiasts across the world.”

Dennis Publishing is a member of FIPP.

Cyclist France ()

Pictured: Cyclist France

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