FIPP New York Media Tour – limited offer, places only £995

The FIPP New York Media Tour will specifically focus on innovation in media and will take place from 12-14 October 2016.

Companies already confirmed on the programme are:

  • Bloomberg
  • Forbes
  • Quartz
  • with many more to follow in the coming weeks… 

Join fellow media executives from around the world, in NYC, and learn about the latest revenue, content and technological innovations. Take a glimpse at the future of magazine media in general and what our speakers’ business predictions are for the immediate future.

 The number of delegate places is limited, so reserve your place now. 


While we secure more companies and tie up the details of the programme, we are offering you the chance to attend at the heavily discounted rate of £995* (full rate is £2,500*).

The offer only lasts until the end of May – so don’t miss out…this rate will not be extended.

Book now

If you have any questions, contact Christine Huntingford and/or Jenny Stubbs, or call on +44 20 7404 4169.

*These rates are for FIPP members, for non-member rates visit the Fees tab.

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