Five tips for making mobile video a success
As screen sizes have grown and internet connectivity improved, the concept is no longer in question.
Mobile was the focus at last week’s Online News Association event in London, and Cameron Church, director of digital video company Stream Foundations and previously of Brightcove, discussed his work in helping news publishers make the most out of their video offering, especially on mobile.
He shared his thoughts and advice on the subject.
‘You are not your audience’
“Unless you sit there and click play a million times a day or week,” said Church, “you’re not going to be the one that gets to choose what works or doesn’t work.”
While producers or journalists may sit in their cosy, stationary editing suite or at a desk, the audience is out watching video on the move.
Editors still need to “empower creative spirit,” he said, “but rein them in a little bit because they have to get back into real connection” with serving their audience.