From the 2014 Innovations Report: Embracing short-form video sites Vine and Instagram
An extract from the FIPP Innovations in Magazine Media 2014 World Report.
Unwrapping your favourite candy bar and eating the whole of it: It doesn’t get any better! Quick, delicious, instant gratification.
Like candy companies, magazine media have lately had success offering consumers quickly and easily digested bits of content that deliver maximum satisfaction: the mini-video clips from Vine (owned by Twitter) and Instagram (owned by Facebook).
To access an endless feed of mini-videos requires no more than tapping the Instagram or Vine app icon on your smartphone. No need to search for and load a video. Just open the app, tap, consume, swipe, tap, consume, swipe over and over again. Like those chocolate treats, it’s impossible to consume just one.
Order the FIPP Innovations in Magazine Media 2014 World Report.
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