Get two great magazine media resources at a special discount
FIPP World Magazine Trends 2013/2014 and FIPP World Digital Media Factbook 2013-14 together, from only £270!
Packed with global data, trends and forecasts, FIPP World Magazine Trends and FIPP World Digital Media Factbook are invaluable resources to measure magazine media and related industry performance from around the world, benchmark your own performance and consider opportunities that exist elsewhere.
FIPP World Magazine Trends 2013/14 outlines the consumer and B2B magazine markets in 54 countries. Providing data like titles sold, top publishers, revenue and share of adspend, it is the annual monitor of the magazine media, country-by-country, region-by-region and globally.
FIPP World Digital Media Factbook 2013-14 features more than 500 data sets from more than 65 major research companies from around the world. The Factbook gives an overview of the magazine landscape in print and digital revenue and usership patterns, and identifies opportunities for new revenues. It also showcases innovative magazines companies and their winning digital strategies in a series of case studies.
For more information on FIPP publications, please contact Sylkia J. Cartagena or Helen Bland at FIPP.