iPad magazines keep growing but women prefer smaller tablets
Hearst Magazines president David Carey says men and women are split when it comes to reading on 10-inch and seven-inch tablets, reports Tab Times.
Carey says that the iPad remain the dominant platform for tablet magazines, but suggests men and women are different when it comes to screen sizes.
Speaking at Dive Into Media conference, Carey illustrated the sheer rise of mobile devices by saying that 40 per cent of total unique views on Hearst magazine websites now come from smartphones and tablets.
The Hearst president added that the company now has around 900,000 paid digital magazine subscribers, but said that it expects that figure to top 3 million by 2016.
Carey praised the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs for “teaching consumers how to buy digital content” and while he unsurprisingly apportioned part of the rise of mobile devices down to the iPad, he also had some promising news for vendors with seven-inch tablets.
“The iPad is the dominant player, because the volume is there. What Barnes and Noble and Amazon figured out early was the seven-inch screen. Our men’s products did well on the 10-inch iPad, but our women’s products did not. But, they did really well on the seven-inch units – something that you can easily slip into your purse. We saw the seven-inch devices having more traction with women, while the larger 10-inch devices had more traction with men.”