Learn how to drive media sales in a changed world
Join FIPP and Flume Sales Training for 4 x 1-hour “Sales Accelerator” sessions, delivered weekly from 19 November to 10 December.

COVID-19 has fundamentally changed the way marketers behave, creating massive new challenges for sales teams in the global media industry. All the early signs suggest that these changes will be long lasting, if not permanent. Client expectations will be significantly different, digital solutions will become even more dominant, and salespeople will need to adapt. We are here to help.
From building pipelines to speeding up sales decisions, the Sales Accelerator covers an arsenal of techniques you or your sales teams should be equipped with.
Sign up to join our Sales Accelerator. Extremely competitively priced at £195 (+VAT), one ticket gets you access to all four workshops. Even better, get a 10% discount if you purchase 3-9 seats and 20% if you book more than 10 seats.
Why you should participate and what you will learn
Knowing what great selling looks like in this changed world is vital for success. In our 4 one-hour sessions, Flume Sales Training will share what constitutes a great sales experience in the new world, sharing insights, tips and practical approaches for closing bigger deals more quickly in an increasingly online-driven world for both your existing client-base and new clients.
Workshop 1: Filling your sales pipeline – 19th November at 4pm GMT In this workshop, you will learn how to: – Identify the perfect clients to infiltrate – Create a winning contact strategy – Drive inbound leads and maximise the conversion of outbound leads Outcome: Quality leads with maximum potential sessions |
Workshop 2: Driving strategic conversations that lead to you – 26th November at 4pm GMT In this workshop, you will learn how to: – Become your clients trusted advisor – Structure your conversation to drive real change in your client’s business – Create a conversation worth paying for in itself Outcome: Conversations that differentiate you from the competition |
Workshop 3: Creating easy-to-buy multi-channel campaigns – 2nd December at 4pm GMT In this workshop, you will learn how to: – Pitch your solutions in the language your client needs to hear – Co-create multi-channel campaigns that drive ROI for your client – Design easy-to-buy packages created to drive client results Outcome: Campaigns that maximise client buy-in |
Workshop 4: Speeding up decision-making – 10th December at 4pm GMT In this workshop, you will learn how to: – Identify and gain buy-in from the most influential stakeholders – Lead your client through the decision-making process – Create proposals that make it easy for your client to sell-on and speed-up decisions Outcome: More deals closed more quickly |
Flume Sales Training Founder and Director Raoul Monks on 3 steps for media companies to differentiate from the crowd when it comes to ad sales
See the full conversation on why an urgent change is required to drive revenue in a changed world, here.