Magazines find success selling iPad ads

Most magazines witnessed a slight decline in print ad sales in the first quarter of the year, reports Mashable, with a few exceptions in the food, beauty and fashion categories. But while print sales were lackluster, one area did see a nice uptick in growth: sales of ads on iPad editions.

The Publishers Information Bureau surveyed 58 magazine titles about the number of print ad pages and iPad ad units each sold between 1 January and the end of March. On average, those titles sold around the same number of print ad pages as they had in the same period the previous year. Those titles did, however, manage to sell nearly a quarter (23.6 per cent) more ad units on their iPad apps. As such, the iPad now accounts for 56 per cent of all magazine ad units sold across print and iPad (at least for those surveyed).

Read the rest of this article at Mashable

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