Magzter becomes top grossing iPad app in Asia
Magzter, the online magazine store, has become the top-grossing iPad app in Asia, reports The Times of India.
The app was launched 17 months ago, but has received huge traction over the past month, due to some Facebook sharing features that were added to the app. “Now, if you like the cover of a magazine, you can share it on Facebook, and if your friends like it, they can click to come to our store to buy it. This has had a major viral effect” said Girish Ramdas, co-founder and CEO of Magzter.
Magzter has more than 1,500 magazines in its store. About 400 of them are Indian magazines. “We have readers from all over the world who buy magazine subscriptions every day. Cross-border selling is helping the digital magazine industry by generating more global readers” said Vijay Radhakrishnan, president of Magzter.