Magzter is ranked among the Top 10 iOS Apps

Magzter offers more than 10,500 magazines from 50+ countries including India, USA, UK, Canada, Singapore, Australia, South Africa, Spain, Mexico, Philippines, and Turkey. These magazines spread across 40+ exciting categories including automotive, business, comics, entertainment, fashion, health, lifestyle, news, politics, science, sports, technology, and travel, which makes Magzter a very popular app for readers across different age groups and with diverse interests.


Magzter ranking ()


Apart from providing unlimited access to 5,000+ magazines, Magzter Gold, the company’s “all-you-can-read” subscription model, also offers premium articles curated from best-selling magazines, which are mobile-friendly and filled with high-resolution photography. Magzter Gold has also been playing an instrumental role in helping magazines push their boundaries and find new audiences across untapped geographies.

“It has been a dream journey for Magzter so far and I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to our publishers, users and other strategic partners, who have been offering their unflinching support to us over the years. I feel elated that the Magzter app has reached every part of the globe, which reflects in the recent rankings on the App Store. Kudos to the team at Magzter for giving their best every single day, without which this feat could not have been achieved!,” said Girish Ramdas, CEO, Magzter Inc.

“We’re delighted to know that Magzter is among the top 10 apps on the App Store in the world. With Magzter being the most-preferred digital reading destination for millions of people, we also understand the huge responsibility we have in bringing the latest content from trusted sources across the globe. We will continue to raise the bar and give our users an unparalleled digital reading experience,” added Vijay Radhakrishnan, President, Magzter Inc.

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