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Total circulation has fallen from 6 010 568 to 5 766 119 in the corresponding reporting period and decreased by 3 per cent (176, 000 copies) compared to the previous quarter.
Single copy figures from sales newsstands were down to 3,711,874 compared to 3,859 455 in the previous quarter, while total paid stand (including subscription numbers) fell to 4,454,692 from 4,722,323 in the previous quarter.
Media24 has revisited how it counts digital copy sales that are part of bundled subscription offerings, such as or The Rate card numbers of titles in these package deals were previously skewed because the company reported sales of all titles in the bundles instead of only the ones downloaded.
With this in mind, The Media took a closer look at the circulation of individual titles for the third quarter of 2014 compared to the corresponding period in 2013.