PPA’s Marius Cloete appointed FIPP Research Committee chairman
Marius Cloete, head of research for the UK Professional Publishers Association (PPA), has been appointed chairman of the FIPP Research Committee. The Research Committee investigates and exchanges knowledge on research and marketing initiatives from all over the world. It also masterminds the annual FIPP Research Forum and Awards – taking place this year 16-17 June in Hamburg – under the guidance of FIPP research consultant Guy Consterdine.
Marius joined the PPA as head of research in May 2010 where he has been instrumental in reviving the organisation’s award winning research programme. During his career in publishing which spans more than 15 years, Marius has developed a reputation for using insight to help distressed media brands and companies develop successful turnaround strategies. Most recently he was instrumental in developing the strategy which helped the ailing London Evening Standard transform itself from a loss making paid for evening paper in terminal decline to the profitable and contemporary free newspaper it is today. Prior to moving to the UK he was general manager: marketing for M&G Media in South Africa.
Commenting on his appointment, Marius said: “I am delighted and honoured to be offered the opportunity to lead the FIPP Research Committee. In the last 4 years FIPP, its Research Committee and events it hosts have proven to be an invaluable resource to myself and the PPA. I truly believe that the work FIPP does in providing an international network of expertise and insight publishers can tap into remains unrivalled and is viewed with envy by other industries. I very much look forward to building on the excellent work initiated by my predecessors with the help of the members of the Research Committee.”
Marius takes over from Esther Braspenning, international advertising resource manager of Sanoma Media Belgium who was most recently chairman of the Research Committee following more than a decade serving the Committee and contributing to the valuable network of research with her contributions and dedication.
Further information from Guy Consterdine or Helen Bland at FIPP.