Publishers Australia Excellence Awards celebrated in Sydney

Australian magazine media association, Publishers Australia, last week celebrated its annual Excellence Awards in Sydney. The Publishers Australia Excellence Awards identify talent and celebrate success across all magazine forms.

The overall Excellence Award was won by Real Living from Bauer Media, which also won Best Consumer Magazine above 20k circulation.

The judges commented: “Real Living captures the Zeitgeist by editorialising the budget market. The magazine nails the editorial and design. It has a wide presence across many platforms and offers very innovative events. All of this has translated into healthy advertising revenue and circulation growth in a tough market.”

Universal Magazines was presented with three awards including Homespun for Best Editor below 20k circulaton and Relaunch of the Year.

Specialist publisher Haymarket Media won two Premier awards: Best Consumer Magazine below 20k circulation with Limelight and Best Website with

Publishers Australia chairman, Geoff Hird, said: “Our expert, independent judging panel had a tough job deciding 28 winners from  310 submissions. We received entries from 53 publishers, across five states, representing the full spectrum of Australia’s magazine media: custom, B2B, association, mass and niche consumer, both in print and digital. The Excellence Awards has yet again proven it is THE awards event of the year for the magazine industry!”

See a full list of Publishers Australia Excellence Award winners.

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