Time Inc. UK’s Marie Claire Runway launches Chinese shopping guide

Marie Claire Runway – the biannual fashion guide from Time Inc. UK’s Marie Claire, has launched a shopping guide targeting the Chinese luxury traveller.
The guide will consist of a print edition within Marie Claire Runway and a website, which is being marketed to “upmarket women in China before they visit the capital and while they are in the UK”. This will be achieved through IP address and browser language targeting. The website is published in Mandarin and includes interactive maps of the shopping locations.
The print edition (also in Mandarin) will be inserted into 10,000 copies of Marie Claire Runway.
Justine Southall, publishing director for Marie Claire, said: “We know that the Chinese consumer already has an affinity with the Marie Claire brand, and given the growing numbers of Chinese luxury travellers and our fashion credentials, the launch of this shopping guide makes perfect sense. We’re already working on an enhanced digital proposition for 2015.”

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