VIDEO: The physicality of digital
We looked last week at the ineffable magic of print, and the engagement brought by the tangibility of the printed page. In an age of ‘always on’ it’s easy to forget that digital content too is still governed by logistical parameters: physical licensing agreements, physical platforms, and certainly the physical monetisation structures required to pay for its production.
On international licensing agreements… (0:02)
Licensing, when you’re trying to transform the content that you’ve got from your licensor, putting it into digital also has some problems involved. It has not been resolved. In other words, I cannot take licensors’ content with my own I cannot manipulate changing to digital form – you must get permission.
The realities of selling paper in a digital age (0:29)
To sell your paper magazine you must have a website and also you’ve got to have some sort of digital. So putting together: how can I present this one to advertisers? At what price? So that’s still yet to be resolved and needs more research on.
Mobile is still a physical platform in a physically defined world (0:50)
Mobile is a big thing – yes – everybody talks about it, but we don’t know how to get money out of it! That’s a BIG question… Everybody talks about mobile. So yes, so I tell my Clients, hey we can put you in our mobile contents but they question, ‘Hey, have you ever seen people reading in mobile in the subway? I n the metro?’ So they are rather reluctant. So again it’s still primitive in Korea to sell ads in mobile. We are still working on it.
On content: digital means shortform, right? (1:33)
Well several years ago we thought young people liked to see just shortform, so we sort of shortened our content in the characters and letters and so on. But now, it’s turning back, they starts reading, they are demanding content, so we are working on that right now!
On language (1:57)
As a licensee we must translate what we get from licensors. English to Korean. So you lose a lot of detail, the taste of the meaning. BUT… my case, 80 per cent of my contents are fabricated or done in Korea. So with that I don’t really have very much problem and like fashion, technology, we still use a lot of English words, because we haven’t developed our own words for that.
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