WSJ now has a 40-person video team cranking out 150 videos a month
Advertiser demand for digital video is still strong, so publishers like the Journal (estimated to charge CPMs in the range of US$50 to $75) are incentivised to get as many views as possible. So video sits in front of the paywall. Beyond that, the Journal also has been tweaking its formula to maximise the number of video views it gets. On the eve of its third NewFronts presentation, Andy Regal, senior executive producer for video at the Journal, shared how the publisher is making video work while staying true to its journalism and business goals.
Promotion on site
One big change is promotion. The Journal has about 40 full-time people dedicated to video and produces about 30 to 40 videos a day. The Journal has been getting about six million monthly video views on site over the past year, according to comScore (which doesn’t measure mobile video yet). But it trails arch-rival The New York Times, which has 75 full-time video staff and 18 million monthly video views by the end of 2014, up from 11 million in the beginning of the year.
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