Forty-three countries and counting: is yours on the Congress map?
The FIPP World Congress is about sharing knowledge (100 speakers are now confirmed), networking and doing business with international counterparts. Will you be there, or will you miss out?
Sign up here >

And join colleagues from the following countries already registered:
A: Argentina, Australia, Austria
B: Belgium, Brazil
C: Cameroon, Canada, China, Colombia, Czech Republic
D: Denmark
E: Ecuador
F: Finland, France
G: Germany, Greece
H: Honduras
I: India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy
J: Japan
K: Kenya
L: Lithuania, Luxembourg
N: Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway
P: Poland
R: Russia
S: Serbia, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
T: Thailand, Turkey
If your country isn’t listed, why not be the first to put them on the Congress map? And if it’s listed, why not add to the tally of country women and men in attendance?
Sign up today >
You’ll be richer for the experience.

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