Bauer Consumer Media’s UK division adds 44 magazines to Magzter
The company is adding 44 of its titles to Magzter’s catalogue, including Empire, Grazia, MCN, Heat, Car, Closer and Q.
Girish Ramdas, CEO of Magzter, said: “Bauer Consumer Media brings stellar magazine brands like Car, Empire, Grazia and MCN with them and is a prized addition to Magzter’s catalogue of UK publishers. We have been getting a lot of customer requests for these magazines and our readers will be elated to have access to them.”
Vijay Radhakrishnan, president of Magzter, added: “The UK arm of Bauer Consumer Media boasts many best-selling magazines across several categories. I am happy to share a great working partnership with Bauer – the arrival of their magazines on the Magzter platform is a testimony to this fact. I would like to thank the team of Bauer Consumer Media for choosing Magzter as a key digital publishing partner.”
View Bauer’s catalogue on Magzter.
Bauer and Magzter are FIPP members.
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