Counting down: Save £800 and more on FIPP World Congress tickets
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More than 60 speakers are now confirmed for the 41st FIPP World Congress, covering areas such as organisational and brand transformation and innovation; multi-platform and multi-format storytelling; monetisation strategies; strategic leadership, talent acquisition, development and retention; digital media strategies; building brand extensions including events/experiences and merchandise, and more.
Some 800 people from 44 countries attended the 40th FIPP World Congress in 2015. Don’t miss out in 2017. We’d love to welcome you to London.
Register here
For more information, visit the Congress website at
If you have any questions, contact:
• General and delegations: Claire Jones at
• Sponsorship opportunities: John Schlaefli at
• Speakers: Cobus Heyl at (note: most speaking slots are now filled)
We hope to see you in London in October.
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