Discover new digital trends at FIPP’s free webinar
Register now for FIPP’s webinar, introducing the new FIPP World Digital Media Factbook 2013-14 on Monday 7 October at 3pm (BST/London time).
The FIPP World Digital Media Factbook 2013-14 will launch at the FIPP World Magazine Congress in Rome on 24 September. The follow-up webinar will look at which digital trends are shaping the magazine media industry. Presented by Martha Stone, CEO, World News Media Network and publisher of the Digital Factbook and moderated by FIPP president and CEO, Chris Llewellyn, the webinar will look at the overall data and statistics available in the publication.
Register for the FIPP Digital Factbook Webinar, which is sponsored by eZ Systems.
Top opportunities identified for publishers in the FIPP Digital Factbook include: Social media; video; e-commerce, m-commerce and in-app e-commerce; digital advertising; digital subscriptions; building content repertoire across digital platforms: music/audio such as podcasts; short-form and long-form video; animations; graphics; text storytelling; gaming plus integrating social media, advertising and e-commerce into content packages.
Pre-order your copy of the FIPP Digital Factbook.
Register for the FIPP Digital Factbook webinar.
Visit the FIPP Digital Factbook toolkit.
The second edition of the FIPP World Digital Media Factbook includes 200 pages with more than 500 data sets from more than 65 major research companies from around the world including PricewaterhouseCoopers, ZenithOptimedia, Pew, comScore, Nielsen, MAGNAGLOBAL and IDATE. FIPP has partnered with WNMN on the report for the past two years.
For more information about the FIPP Digital Factbook, contact Helen Bland.