FIPP insider Webinar: Content consumption and distribution in a Covid 19 and post-Covid 19 world

In the spotlight: How Covid 19 lock-downs have impacted media consumption habits and what we might learn from that about content distribution in a post-Covid 19 world.
The FREE webinar takes place this Tuesday, 28 April, at 9 am EST / 2 pm BST / 3 pm CET / 9 pm. Sign Up Now!
Learn more about:
– Usage trends in content consumption around the world. For example, what PressReader seeing about changes in consumer behaviours? What lessons can you take out of this for your business or brand?
– The power of aggregation via hard to reach verticals. Aggregation is sometimes considered a bad word in the publishing sphere but delivering content around interest verticals make sense in several ways. Hear more from PressReader about why they say that.
– Several publishers are rapidly scaling down on frequency, eliminating issues. How can technology help address these changes, so you do not lose the relationship with readers due to a lack of frequent engagement? PressReader has an answer.
– And much, much more…
Sign Up:
Thursday 30 April at 9 am EST / 2 pm BST / 3 pm CET / 9 pm HKT
Intentional Evolution: How We Can Impact the Five Pillars of Every Organisation
There is a real opportunity for innovators to impact every aspect of an organisation. Yet, all too often, innovation is considered something only applicable to products and services.
Author and innovation consultant Tom Triumph covers what he describes as the five fundamental pillars of every organisation. Using real-world stories from the likes of NASA (and some puzzles involving the audience) and discusses how innovators can impact all aspects of their organisation.
Attendees will also get two free innovation-related e-books plus access to all eleven models of Tom’s online innovation masterclass, typically available at US$ 279 but discounted to only US$79 for webinar participants.
Save the Date:
Thursday 7 May (9 am EST, 2 pm BST, 3 pm CET, 9 pm HKT)
A deep-dive into FIPP and Celera One’s quarterly Global Subscription Snapshot, due for release soon. You will hear about winners and losers, latest trends compared to previous quarters, and more. James Hewes, FIPP President and CEO, will present this webinar.
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