FIPP World Congress 2017 | Meet the speaker: Joanna Abeyie, Hyden Talent
***See more about the FIPP World Congress here and sign up here.***

Joanna Abeyie is a new breed of business leader, she is an award-winning, agenda-setting diversity champion and recruiter, social campaigner, TV executive, broadcaster and journalist. Aged just 29, there are few under 30’s that can claim similar achievements, one of which being among Broadcast magazine’s hotshots of 2016.
Joanna founded the award-winning creative industry diverse talent recruitment business Shine Media in 2009, which recently morphed into Hyden (taken from the old English word for ‘hidden’), as part of leading global recruiter SThree. Having helped to place more than 3,000 people from diverse backgrounds in permanent and freelance jobs in the creative industries, it is Joanna’s efforts in improving the creative industry’s diversity that truly have made her stand out.
Joanna will speak at the 41st FIPP World Congress, 9-11 October 2017 in London, the UK. Meet her there.