Sharethrough enables native video ads with instant play on publisher news feeds

Sharethrough will be distributing video for two ConAgra brands, Orville Redenbacher and Reddi-Wip, in the news feeds of top publisher web sites and apps.

“We are excited to partner with Sharethrough on their Instant Video beta,” said Heather Dumford, ConAgra Foods Global Marketing Director. “It provides the opportunity to engage with consumers within publisher feeds like never before.”

Video View Ads, which can autoplay silently, provide both publishers and advertisers a high-impact video product that is tailored for the mobile-first generation of media. It also brings publishers up to parity with the ad formats offered by the major social networks.

Sharethrough has been exploring ways to bring additional video revenue to publishers in a format that maintains the quality and user experience of their websites and apps.

At the same time, advertisers have been eager to leverage new video formats that are designed to increase brand awareness and purchase intent.

Motion is an important part of telling a story online, especially when content creators have only a few seconds to capture attention or lose it entirely.

Read the full article here

Source: Sharethrough

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