Insights from FIPP’s 2014 membership survey

Media innovation, mobile publishing, online publishing, technology innovation and print publishing are the five topics of most interest to FIPP members worldwide.
This emerged from FIPP’s annual membership survey for 2014.
Topics of ‘very strong’ interest
Measured on a scale of 0 to 4, with 2 being ‘average’ or ‘neutral’, the following topics rated above 3, meaning ‘very strong’ interest:
1.Media innovation: 3.69
2.Mobile publishing: 3.64
3.Online publishing: 3.63
4.Tech innovation: 3.56
5.Print publishing: 3.35
6.Social media and video: 3.31
7.Data and analytics: 3.25
8.Paid content: 3.25
9.Content marketing: 3.24
10.Live (experiences and events): 3.16
11.Native advertising: 3.09
12.E-commerce: 3.02
Top reasons for engaging with FIPP and its network
FIPP offers three membership categories:
  • Media owners (multi-platform content businesses)
  • National and regional trade associations
  • Service providers (print, software platforms and others) and individuals (consultants)
Media owners and association members indicated they most use their membership to stay on top of industry trends (thought leadership and knowledge sharing). 
Networking and doing business are also important considerations for media owners, especially for individuals in executive management positions.
While staying on top of industry trends is a strong consideration for service provider members, they use the FIPP platform most for networking, doing business and for marketing and business development.
FIPP members across the board also value cost benefits membership brings (cost benefits range from complimentary access to, event presentations and digital publications to discounts on events and training). 
Top membership reasons, rated from 0 to 4 with 2 being of “average” importance:
  • Media owners: knowledge-related 3.21, networking and business-related 2.88 (3 among senior executives), and cost benefits 2.76 
  • Associations: knowledge-related 3.38 and cost benefits 2.93
  • Service providers: Marketing-related 3.23, networking and business-related and knowledge-related 3.23, knowledge-related 3.13 and cost benefits 2.94
Views on the future of the industry
Overall, members remain (carefully) optimistic of the future of the industry (an average rating of 2.8 out of 4, with 2 being ‘neutral’ and 3 and above representing ‘very optimistic’), as was the case in 2013.
About FIPP membership
To find out more about how you and your company can benefit from FIPP membership, visit and/or contact Cobus Heyl

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