Invite innovation into your company

John Wilpers and Juan Señor, editors of the Innovation in Magazine Media 2015-2016 World Report are available as presenters. They can help you with the roadmap to a profitable, expansive, exciting future for your editorial, sales and web teams.


According to John and Juan, the key to generating and exploiting innovation is to commit to changing your corporate culture: “Commit to becoming digital-first, to integrating your teams, to encouraging and rewarding innovative thinking. Commit to collecting data and interpreting it and using it to help guide editorial and advertising decisions. Commit to empowering your staff to think innovatively, to take risks without fear of failure or retribution.”

They urge media companies not to do this in a top-down fashion: “Involve your entire organisation. Recruit volunteers from every department (they know a lot more than you do about what’s working and not working on the ground).”

If you’d like to create a culture that generates ideas, the Innovation in Magazine Media editors can share these ideas with your teams. They can provide a deep-dive into the details of proven successes and apply the lessons.


John Wilpers and Juan Senor ()

In decades of consulting around the world John Wilpers, senior director (USA) and Juan Señor, partner (UK/Spain) of the Innovation International Media Consulting Group have helped companies make the commitment to change. That transformation alone re-energises the organisation. It paves the way for subsequent innovations that result in red ink becoming black, demoralised staff becoming enthusiastic change agents, and a dark future becoming promising and exciting.

John and Juan have consistently scored very highly at all FIPP events they have taken part in, including the FIPP/VDZ/eMediaSF Digital Innovators Summit in Berlin.

If you’d like to invite John or Juan to present to your teams, your company or your members, please contact Helen Bland for details.


Combined with a great, dynamic presentation, you can also benefit from special bulk rates for Innovation in Magazine Media 2015-2016 World Report. Discounts are available on orders of more than two copies with orders of more than 100 copies down to £10 members/£25 non-members per book (single copies normally £69 members/£99 non-members).

Order Innovation in Magazine Media 2015-2016 World Report today: the most in-depth book about creative media thinking that we have ever published.

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